Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Taylor Swift: Modern Queen of Revenge

Taylor Swift is well known in today's society for her sweet love songs and powerful breakup ballads. Many a joke has been made about her constant stream of boyfriends and the #1 Hit Single that goes along with them. Some of her best selling tracks have been the ones clearly about a past love who have broken her heart or hurt her in some way. Most people just look at as just another one of Taylor Swift's relationships gone bad but when you listen to the lyrics, it's clear that Taylor is REALLY good at getting back at her exes. By writing a catchy tune with a few well thought out lines, she is able make her boyfriends pay for what they did AND make a couple bucks out of it.

One of Taylor Swift's most famous breakups is arguably her breakup with Joe Jonas. After a wondrous relationship, Joe broke up with her over a quick 30 second phone call. Heartbroken and angry, Taylor wrote the song Forever and Always . Lyrics like "Was I out of line?/ Did I say something way too honest that made you run and hide/ like a scared little boy? I looked into your eyes,/ thought I knew you for a minute now I'm not so sure" are perfect examples of Taylor's ability to make a guy feel horrible about himself with just a few choice words. 

Continuing on with Taylor and Joe's love affair, Taylor's song Better Than Revenge is rumored to be about the girl Joe Jonas started dating immediately after their breakup. In this song, Taylor boasts that "there is nothing she does better than revenge" and that she "always gets the last word". With a song like this, so clearly calling someone out for their hurtful actions, I couldn't agree more. Writing about her problems in a song not only gives Taylor a way to get her emotions out, but when she puts the song out, everyone will then know what that person has done to her and be able to voice their opinion about it as well. Under the highly judgmental eye of society and Taylor's fan base, a song like that can ruin a person's reputation. 

Probably one of her most recent examples of revenge through song lyrics is We are Never Ever Getting Back Together . The song is reportedly about ex, Jake Gyllenhaal, with a fun video featuring a close look-alike to add to the rumors. 

While some people might make fun of Taylor for her numerous cases of revenge, we're all just lucky that she didn't take a lesson form Shakespeare's Hamlet. In this story, revenge is shown as a bloody warfare where the only way to get vengeance is by taking the other's life. Hamlet is set about to get revenge for his father's murder. This leads to multiple extravagant plots of poison, weapons and other cruelty. In the end, Taylor's once cruel way to get back at her boyfriends, now seems completely harmless compared to what Hamlet goes through. While I don't exactly agree with Taylor's way of humiliating her exes, I'd rather she continues her catchy singing career than follow in Hamlet's footsteps. 


- lyrics provided by metrolyrics.com
- start of analysis read on http://starcasm.net/archives/178408
- video found on youtube.com 


  1. I agree 100% with your interpretation of Taylor Swift's song to the use of revenge. It seems to be coming more popular to use music to express feelings. I also agree with your Hamlet revenge because he seems to want revenge for his fathers murder and may want to kill whoever murdered him. Great Blog!

  2. I'm an addicted Ellen D. watcher and happened to see her interview with Taylor a few weeks ago. She asked Taylor about the lyrics of her songs and she replied with answers that would agree with your blog post. Now, she never directly came out and stated that she does it for revenge but in some of her answers it was obvious that was her goal. Her lyrics make great songs but also offer a great avenue for revenge against her exes. I agree that this isn't the most mature and wise way cope with your feelings because it can ruin persons reputation. With that being said, I would rather have her write catchy songs bashing her recent break up then coping in anyway violent like Hamlet.
